HIPAA-compliant telehealth services that offer a BAA

The federal Office of Civil Rights (OCR) has temporarily relaxed its standards during this national emergency to allow covered health care providers to use video technologies that do not fully comply with HIPAA rules. These include non-public facing popular video products such FaceTime or Skype. Health care providers choosing to use these products should inform patients that there may be privacy risks and should be aware that these services will no longer be permitted when the standards surrounding telehealth have been reinstated.

Health care providers seeking more privacy for patients should consider products that use encryption and tools such as passcodes to restrict the session, and vendors that will sign HIPAA Business Associates Agreements (BAAs) in connection with their video solutions. Finding the best Telehealth vendor can be intimidating. Below are a few platforms that offer HIPAA-compatible Telehealth services, including a BAA.

Not sure which solution is best for your practice? Schedule a consultation today!

Kyle Lott