Do you have a social media policy?

As a mental health professional, there are many considerations to keep in mind when introducing social media into your practice. Do you have a social media policy?  You might be asking yourself, “a social media policy?  That didn’t even occur to me!”

According to Kristin W. Roscoe, JD, Staff Attorney with CAMFT, “If you use social media—whether socially or professionally—one tool therapists can use to supplement their current informed consent materials is a social media policy.  Similar to your current informed consent paperwork, a social media policy reinforces appropriate professional boundaries with patients before any issues arise.  A social media policy can provide patients with an understanding as to how the therapist will conduct themselves on the Internet by addressing how the therapist will interact with current and former patients. By addressing potentially difficult ethical issues in a social media policy you have a solid foundation to refer to if professional boundaries are crossed.”

Your social media policy should also include text messages and emails if those aren’t already addressed in your existing practice paperwork.

Not sure where to begin?  Therawize can help you design a policy that meets your needs, either in paper or electronic form.  To learn more, book a session now!


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